Our Leave & Expense Management service empowers users to effortlessly apply for leave based on their allocated time off. With a seamless interface, employees can request leave with a few clicks, ensuring efficient leave management within your organization. Our system notifies approvers via email, minimizing delays and keeping everyone informed about the status of their leave requests. Say goodbye to the complexity of manual leave applications and embrace the convenience of our automated solution.
Leave Application

Convenient Leave Requests

Apply for leave anytime, anywhere

Choose leave types and dates with ease

Access a Comprehensive overview of all pending, approved, and rejected leaves

Expense Application
Simplify expense tracking and approval with our intelligent Leave & Expense Management service. Whether expenses are recorded through timesheets or project activities, our system ensures a straightforward process for approvals and seamless integration with your input screens. Efficiently manage employee expenses, reduce manual errors, and enhance productivity with our powerful solution.

Easy to Use

Our user-friendly interface makes it easy for you to navigate and accomplish tasks effortlessly.

Accurate Time Tracking 

Precision matters, and we deliver accurate time tracking to help you manage your tasks efficiently. 

100% Data Security

Data is protected by state-of-the-art encryption protocols and Multi-Layered Security measures.

Excellent Support

Our dedicated support team ensures your experience is smooth and hassle-free

Why Choose 
JTMS - Timesheet Software